Do you want to travel farther, faster, and in greater comfort? Then you’re looking for the Mego Nev 1.1 Heavy Duty Long Range Mobility Scooter, also known as the me:go. The me:go is now discontinued in the United States and must be ordered directly from the factory in Germany – but when you learn more about this amazing scooter, we think you’ll agree that it’s more than worth it!

Bigger, Faster, and More Powerful The Mego Nev 1.1 Heavy Duty Long Range Mobility Scooter is much larger than a typical mobility scooter – 63” long and 32” wide, with a height of 47”. Because of its size, the me:go has a turning radius of 85”, but it’s still highly maneuverable due to its rear-wheel drive. All that extra size translates to extra power – the me:go’s electric motor has 1.1 KW of power, the equivalent of 1.48 horsepower! It can reach speeds of up to 35mph, making it much faster than a smaller mobility scooter with a top speed of only 4 or 5mph. The me:go also has a much larger driving radius of 50 miles on a single charge.
me:go Features The Mego Nev 1.1 Heavy Duty Long Range Mobility Scooter can climb slopes with incline angles of up to 30%. The high back captain’s seat has a headrest complete with a sliding mechanism. The digital display panel includes a speedometer, a trip display and odometer reading, a clock, a direction indicator, a charge and discharge indicator, a forward and reverse indicator, lights, and a hazard light system. Switches include turn signals, lights, horn, hazard light system, forward and reverse, and an emergency off switch. Brakes are electromagnetic.

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